Denver is hosting a radical four day party this fall, and you and a team of your four best friends are invited to partake in the revelry! T-shirts will be made, beers will be drank, comedy and music shows featuring Denver's best will be attended, dodgeball's will be thrown, kickballs will be kicked, friends will be made, food will be delicious, flags will be captured, comic books will be exchanged, water balloons will be exploded, free films will be screened, kisses will be smooched, castles will be bounced and fun will be all that matters. The winning teams will receive fantastic prizes that will lead to jealousy from the losers, and everyone involved will leave with a Goddamn memory!
We (The Fine Gentleman's Club with aid from ZetaKaye House/Grawlix/Mouth House/Rhinoceropolis/IStole Your Baby/the greater Denver creative community) are currently raising money via donations at live shows, and planning fundraisers (dance party's/bikini carwash/Greg Baumhauer in a dunk tank/date auction) for the summer. Please hang out at our facebook and tell your friends. Start getting your teams together, as registration is eminent. Until then, start practicing your three legged racing and prepare to have way too much fun.
WANT TO PERFORM? Hell yes! We want you to too!
Email TooMuchFunstival at gmail dot com with your act's name in the subject line and let's get wicked!!!
What, When and Where?
It's a festival in Denver on August 25 - 28! This will get more specific soon!
Where does the money go?
Glad you asked! You see, we are doing our best to provide the "Funstival" part of the "Too Much Funstival" equation, and every dollar you pay goes towards purchasing the "Too Much". This is a completely non-profit event interested only in the unrelenting pursuit of infinite fun. Each team is supplying $150's worth of kegs, cups, food (yes, we thought of you, Vegetarian Vinny!), tiki torches, chocolate fountains, t-shirts, prizes, fake moustaches, bounce castles, dunk tanks, silly string, boozed fruits, paint balloons and miniature goats.
How much is it?
A team can get five all-access festival passes to the four days of events for $150. That's right, everything you need to get wicked for just $30 a person! And that entitles you to free beer on Saturday, too. As for you Lone Wolves out there, we can sign you up to a team of other new friends for $35. Lone Wolf, you might say, "That's five extra dollars for the exact same experience!" Well, we have to put you on a team, Lone Wolf, so give us five bucks.
Go here to sign up.
Who's Playing?
All the artists we've confirmed are listed on the Artists page.
The Man will only let me come for one day! Help?
If you have a friend who is in town for one day, or you have to go fight fires in Tulsa and can't make it to all the events, you can buy a one day pass for $15 dollars at the door of each show. However, THERE WILL BE NO ONE DAY PASSES AVAILABLE FOR SATURDAY'S ADULT FIELD DAY! So much planning is going into figuring out these events, and the TMFunstival committee wants to party as much as you do, so we won't be spending our Saturday morning signing-up late additions to the Field Day events. So please, just get some time off work and get on a team (or we can put you on one)! You deserve to have not just some fun, but too much fun-so schedule some YOU Time. You earned it!